This year we are very fortunate to have four returning leaders. In order to continue the program and provide the best experience we can for as many youth as possible, we do need more help. If you are able to attend meetings and help out in as few as three meetings this year, we NEED you. We are asking for help at whatever level you are able to commit to. You may arrive at meetings and help out, or you may join up and help us plan and organize the meetings. Scouts Canada takes the safety and security of all children very seriously. As a result there is mandatory training for all volunteers. We are holding a training session during the meeting time on the 26th of September at Trinity Bible Church. While your children are enjoying Scouting, you may complete part of the training that will allow you to be a part of their Scouting experience. Parents may still attend meetings and events with their child/children without taking the training, but may not help out with other children or help run any events or programming. As a leader you will become a valued and valuable member of our team.
Please consider joining us!
*Bring a mug for coffee and/or tea*
*Bring a mug for coffee and/or tea*
Chip, Rusty, Ringtail and Bubbles (PS...If you become a full time or part time leader, you too can have a cool nickname...)